Metropolitan Food Self-Sufficiency Scenario Model (MDSS)
ZALF Institute, GermanyCategory: Tools & Methods Metropolitan Food Self-Sufficiency Scenario Model (MDSS)
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment | Scenario Planning
Work Package: Assessing the Benefits (WP3)The Metropolitan Foodshed and Self-sufficiency Scenario (MFSS) model combines regional food consumption and agricultural production parameters in a data-driven approach to assess the spatial extent of foodsheds as well as the theoretical self-sufficiency of the communities they serve. Main highlights of this model are:
- A spatial model to depict metropolitan foodsheds and self-sufficiency is proposed.
- Scenarios of changing food demand and supply are applied.
- Regional situations indicate different food stress, especially for future population growth.
- Increasing area demand by organic production can be balanced by food waste reduction.
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Contact: José Luis Vicente-Vicente | | ZALF ProfileOrganization: Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
Müncheberg, Germany
Model explanation and philosophy featured in Journal City, Culture and Society: Go to Publication
Publication in Journal Agriculture featuring an assessment for Avignon: Go to publication
Publication in Journal Environmental Science & Policy featuring an assessment for Viena and Bristol: Go to publication
Featured in FoodSHIFT 2030 deliverable D3.3 Food System Innovation Assessment Report: Go to deliverable