Innovation Cases > Brasov
The Brasov 'Interactive Food Lab' aims at integrating traditional and local producers into an innovative and ambitious regional food system through 8 Food Innovations:
Promoting the use of local ingredients sourced from small producers among restaurants across Brasov
Food Waste Good Practices using as little meat as possible, making the best out of roots, seeds and nuts, seasonal fruits, and vegetables,
Food Trails with gastronomic points: local farmhouses offering homemade food products,
Vama Buzaului
Vama Buzaului
Assisting and training local farmers in professionalizing farming practices and preserving gastronomic heritage,
Tinutul Barsei
Tinutul Barsei
Educating young people in kindergartens and schools on healthy diets, local food and climate impacts
Living Labs with stakeholders to support local food innovations and disseminate good practices, supporting urban-rural connections
Aggregation of small and local producers' products to jointly access the market and connect with consumers
Integration of local products into the public procurement for the kindergarten meals