Innovations for Transforming the European Food System
Innovations for Transforming the European Food System
Innovations are key in transforming our food systems. Whether they take place in local businesses, projects, municipalities, or collaborations, innovations can help transform the food system from the inside-out. To ensure that different local contexts and needs are considered, the FoodSHIFT 2030 project has mapped close to 90 examples of innovation cases across nine cities. These innovation cases show an inspiring picture of how local innovations can help contribute to food systems transformation in Europe.
To help stakeholders learn more about innovations that are relevant for them, we have divided the innovations into four main types: Products, Process, Social, Governance.
To help stakeholders learn more about innovations that are relevant for them, we have divided the innovations into four main types: Products, Process, Social, Governance.
What are product innovations?
Innovations that addresses new or updated products, including quality, safety and market impact
What are process innovations?
Innovations relevant to new technologies for processing, logistical improvements, infrastructure and new/improved services
What are social innovations?
Innovations relevant to changes in behaviour (e.g., consumers/citizens), development of new relationships and inclusiveness
What are governance innovations?
Innovations relevant to policy developments, including food planning, subsidies, taxing, certificates & labelling
Each type comprises a variety of categories to help label the different innovations.To learn more about the types, check out the introduction section in the innovation portraits or explore all innovation cases in the categories below:
You can also explore all innovations from our cities including the types and categories they cover:
Innovations in the FoodSHIFT 2030 Cities
Innovations in the FoodSHIFT 2030 Cities
Focus on schools as sites of food experience and food system transformation through 7 innovation cases.
Focus on public procurement as a driver for a more regional, sustainable and healthy food system through 10 innovation cases.
Recovery and processing of 'ugly' vegetables to fight food waste and provide employment
Low-cost supermarket supporting vulnerable groups with fresh & quality food
Focus on sustainable land use and food chain strategies for young entrepreneurs building on social innovation in food systems through 10 innovation cases.
Promotion of sustainable development and organic agriculture in the local region,
Ruvo di Puglia-Bitono
Ruvo di Puglia-Bitono
Network of social cooperatives and organic producers offering social inclusion opportunities
Consortium focusing on local development and inclusive employment opportunities in the local food sector, Bitonto, Italy
Focus on the innovation hub 'Food Life Centre' for sustainable regional food supply based on a decentralisation concept for food distribution and education through 10 innovation cases.
Community Supported Agriculture partnership,
Berlin - Brandenburg
Berlin - Brandenburg
Initiative for inclusion of regional and organic food in public school catering
Focus on integrating traditional and local producers into an innovative and ambitious regional food system through 8 innovation cases.
Promoting the use of local ingredients sourced from small producers among restaurants across Brasov
Food Waste Good Practices using as little meat as possible, making the best out of roots, seeds and nuts, seasonal fruits, and vegetables,
Food Trails with gastronomic points: local farmhouses offering homemade food products,
Vama Buzaului
Vama Buzaului
Assisting and training local farmers in professionalizing farming practices and preserving gastronomic heritage,
Tinutul Barsei
Tinutul Barsei
Educating young people in kindergartens and schools on healthy diets, local food and climate impacts
Living Labs with stakeholders to support local food innovations and disseminate good practices, supporting urban-rural connections
Aggregation of small and local producers' products to jointly access the market and connect with consumers
Integration of local products into the public procurement for the kindergarten meals
Focus on public procurement and professional kitchens for a sustainable regional food system, including rural and coastal areas through 9 innovation cases.
A network of chefs, restaurant owners and academics to face challenges of the restaurant industry and the community
A development environment for food entrepreneurs and SMEs for food experiences, food production and collaboration
A community project to support small scale producers and farmers in Denmark and Skåne (Sweden) by organizing local farmers markets
A community for changing traditional food systems towards a more sustainable way of producing and eating
Offers a membership for restaurants and food businesses to foster agricultural climate solutions
Door-to-door catering, for new, inclusive and accessible people-connecting spaces for people to connect through food under a sustainable model
Provision of irrigation water for farming and outdoor agricultural education
A store selling organic produce sourced from local farmers under a sustainable model,
Varsenare, Belgium
Varsenare, Belgium
Focus on strengthening the innovation potential of the local sustainable food through 10 innovation cases.
Use of traditional apple varieties to offer a soft-drink alternative for large-scale monocultures in
Volunteer-based collection of leftover fruits and vegetables from wholesalers for redistribution to people in need
Educational resource teaching children and adults about the process of making honey and the importance of bees
Grassroots initiative of local farmers and consumers for access to good quality, local food on a weekly basis
An open community garden for training on garden architecture, ecology, gardening and local history
Volunteer-based collection of leftover fruits and vegetables from wholesalers for redistribution to people in need
Educational resource teaching children and adults about the process of making honey and the importance of bees
Grassroots initiative of local farmers and consumers for access to good quality, local food on a weekly basis
An open community garden for training on garden architecture, ecology, gardening and local history
For the full picture, download the entire Innovation Portrait brochure featured in the FoodSHIFT 2030 Innovators page below.