Framework for Knowledge Sharing and Transfer, and Learning – Living Document (version 2)
Agrathaer, GermanyCategory: Frameworks & Guidelines Framework for Knowledge Sharing and Transfer, and Learning – Living Document (version 2)
Keywords: Living Labs | Guidelines | Knowledge & learning frameworks
Work Package: Multiplying the Impact (WP5)FoodSHIFT 2030 has the ambition to produce knowledge through innovation and through sharing of different experiences between the city-regions. The aim of this document is the planning of concrete events or outputs, with corresponding workflows, so that the responsible persons or groups of persons may engage in the knowledge sharing with smooth coordination among them, supported by the WP5-Team, WP7 (communication) and WP1 (innovation). This document builds on from D5.1.
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Contact: Anita Beblek | | LinkedIn ProfileOrganization: Agrathaer - Management & Innovation
Müncheberg, Germany